Our Favorite Photos of August
We end nearly 8 months in the high desert this month with our stay in Marfa, TX. It's the smallest town (pop. 2,000) and smallest house (600 sq ft) we've stayed in yet. Car trouble and monsoons (think flash floods!) kept us inside more than we hoped, but we still got to see some cool stuff.
The Courthouse. Marfa, TX
Terlingua "Ghost Town". (People still live there.)
Davis Mountains State Park, Texas
Chinati Foundation. 15 untitled works in concrete in background.
Rio Grande. (Mexico is on the left, USA on the right) Big Bend Ranch State Park.
Shafter "Ghost Town". (People also still lived here.) Catholic Church.
Davis Mountains State Park - wildflowers were really everywhere!
Downtown Marfa, Tx.
Chisos Mountains area of Big Bend National Park. This is the high elevation area of the park, which reaches nearly 8,000ft. (This picture reminds us of a miniature on a train set for some reason..it looks like a fake mountain.)
Desert area of Big Bend National Park. Monsoon season made for some interesting lighting!
La Cucaracha! Terlingua Ghost Town.
Prada, Marfa.
Next stop...Asheville, NC. We're also pleased to share we are re-upping for 2017...planned stops so far include the Florida Panhandle and Nashville, TN!