Changing of the Seasons

Warm, dry weather in Asheville made predicting the peak of color change a bit difficult — it was in the 70s and 80s in late October.  However, we made the most of our proximity to the Blue Ridge Parkway to regularly check on how things were progressing.  Here's some of what we captured. 

The major source of color throughout September was wildflowers and butterflies! 

By late October, the Mountain Ashe trees no longer had any leaves. 

September 29 - View from Cold Mountain...things are just starting to change.

October 12th - View from Hawkbill Rock, Snowball Mountain trail. 

October 12 - Snowball Mountain.

Oct 12 - Snowball Mountain

Oct 16th- We climbed up the fire tower at Fryingpan Mountain, but our plan to capture the scene at sunset was foiled by the fog!

Oct 16th - We had a bit more luck at lower elevations.

Oct 16th - We had a bit more luck at lower elevations.

October 16th - Blue Ridge Parkway - Bad Fork Valley Overlook

Oct 19th - Foothills Parkway, Tennessee

Oct 19th -  French Broad River, Hot Springs, NC

Oct 21st - We went back to the fire tower at Fryingpan Mountain.  No fog this time, just gale force winds. We got our pictures and got out quick!

Oct 21st - Sunset and Looking Glass 

Oct 22 - Sunrise - Blue Ridge Parkway.

Oct 22 - Catching just a bit of the low-lying  morning clouds.

Oct 22 -  About an hour after sunrise. Blue Ridge Parkway

Oct 22nd - East Fork Overlook, Blue Ridge Parkway

Oct 22nd - View from atop the Upper Falls at Graveyard Fields...this is at about 5,000 feet and we saw more leaves on the ground than on the trees. 

Oct 25th - Dupont State Forest, Grassy Creek Falls 

Oct 25th - Bridal Veil Falls, Dupont State Forest