The Idea

It started in August 2010 when I, (Wendy) read this article, which planted the seed of an idea.  Made it seem like a definite possibility....and potentially a necessity.  As if not doing life differently would be a missed opportunity.  

Then I met a colleague,  who,  with her husband, decided while in her twenties to retire in her thirties.  I met her after they had retired, been traveling for years, and voluntarily decided to come back to work.  She offered clear and sound advice; most of it provided by example  -- just through how she lived and approached things. 

Money comes up a lot in writing on this topic.  Living simply usually has links to saving and spending behavior.  This article is helpful.   I've found that lots of information is focused on those nearing typical retirement age, like this, but the lessons are applicable to any age.  I'll also note that there are scads of writing on the topic - going back centuries - most of it free for the reading online, including, of course, this. 

Finally, for some there can be a moral component to this lifestyle.  For me, that idea is intriguing...and tricky.   I appreciated how it was covered in this fascinating read --   Strangers Drowning -- which isn't about downsizing or simplifying per se.  However,  every person profiled in the book does it in some way. 

Idea to reality took a little over five years.   As it turns out, doing this is like a lot of things. It's pretty simple.  But, simple isn't always easy.