Our favorite images...so far

When we go out with cameras in hand, we generally take 150-300 pictures at a go.  We have easily taken 4,000 pictures since we left Seattle.  Yowza!  

Twelve significant photographs in any one year is a good crop.
— Ansel Adams

One of our goals is to become more technically proficient with our cameras, as well as better photographers in general. We figure a great way to do that is to take a lot of pictures and study the results.  We have spent hours doing both.   We are looking forward to expanding our main subjects beyond trees, rocks and dirt (!) next month, when we'll be doing a few more road trips. 

Below are our top 10 images for the month...we weren't quite able to narrow it down to one. 

Southern Oregon Coast

Southern Oregon Coast

There is a car that could be out of a MadMax movie driving around Yucca. This isn't it, but it's the one we had our camera ready for. 

There is a car that could be out of a MadMax movie driving around Yucca. This isn't it, but it's the one we had our camera ready for. 

Bakersfield, CA

Bakersfield, CA

First day in Joshua Tree National Park.  Barker Dam.  You can see Joshua Trees at all different stages in their life cycle in the park. 

First day in Joshua Tree National Park.  Barker Dam.  You can see Joshua Trees at all different stages in their life cycle in the park. 

Shields Date Farm in Indio is an interesting place. You can buy lots of things there that have absolutely nothing to do with dates...and it comes complete with a Biblical Garden. 

Shields Date Farm in Indio is an interesting place. You can buy lots of things there that have absolutely nothing to do with dates...and it comes complete with a Biblical Garden. 

Wind farm outside Palm Springs, CA. 

Wind farm outside Palm Springs, CA. 

Low-light photography has been our greatest challenge.  We have learned SO MUCH about our cameras in the process though. 

Low-light photography has been our greatest challenge.  We have learned SO MUCH about our cameras in the process though. 

When the circus comes to town...you go!

When the circus comes to town...you go!

49 Palms Oasis, Joshua Tree National Park.   We really enjoyed the dash of color we found on this trail.   

49 Palms Oasis, Joshua Tree National Park.   We really enjoyed the dash of color we found on this trail.   

Bighorn Sheep.  49 Palm Oasis, Joshua Tree National Park, CA

Bighorn Sheep.  49 Palm Oasis, Joshua Tree National Park, CA